Box Tracker Driver

Drivers in the field will log on to our mobile friendly site from their tablets. Because the application is delivered as a web site, it is compatible with all major tablet manufacturers, regardless of operating system. Minimizing data transfer ensures that there will be little impact on your data plan.

The interface is designed with drivers in mind so buttons are large and clutter is kept to a minimum while exposing functionality they need to be as productive as possible.

Mapping: On board mapping gets the driver to and from the job site. If your truck’s audio system is Blue Tooth enabled, then turn by turn instructions can be read to driver for hands free navigation.

Tap to call: The system provides ‘tap to call’ functionality that puts the driver in touch with the customer without looking up or dialing the customer phone number.

Record Container Activity: Drivers record container activity at the job site. This ensures that the correct box is recorded thereby keeping tight control over container inventory.

Tipping Fees: Drivers record tipping fees at the landfill.

Document the job site: Your drivers can record conditions that they encounter on the job site. If, for example they record ‘low power lines’, then the next driver on site will be notified. Additionally, the driver application enables uploading photographs. If there is damage to the driveway prior to setting the dumpster, this can be documented and accessed from the job site record on Box Tracker.

Marking Work Orders Complete: when the work is done, the driver marks the work order ‘complete’ which removes it from his work list and updates the dispatcher automatically.