Order Taker

The order taker application allows non-dispatch employees to enter work orders from anywhere. Employees working from home, call centers or even answering services create work orders that will flow to the dispatcher’s screen automatically.

By making BoxTracker a completely cloud based application, we have provided the opportunity for almost all of the functions of your business to be done remotely.  Work orders can be entered remotely.  The dispatch screen gives you a complete overview of all the schedule work for the day and future dates.  Want to know how many containers you have available, or do a customer look up?  No problem, all the data is stored securely on the cloud.  Work orders can be cleared, tips performed by drivers can be recorded, and invoices sent all from a remote or various remote locations.  In these times where flexibility is important for any business, BoxTracker provides you the kind of flexibility, transparency, and accountability you need to make your company successful